Friday, March 18, 2011

From wrote:

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Joseph Littleshoes
> To:
> Sent: Fri, Mar 18, 2011 2:06 am
> Subject: [Conjure] Re: Joe's Blog
> Joseph Littleshoes wrote:
>> Which i mention only in that the point, as per the "blurb" is, at least
>> partly what i have writ here.As i go through my archives of material i have contributed to this and other groups.
>> At this point i have examples of materials i have posted to my blog from
>> this specific conjure group (conjure@), both, attributed and non
>> attributed in my blog. Im not really sure if there is a protocol for
>> this, a common netequette i am unfamiliar with?
> Joe,
> Your posts are yours of course, and are under your copyright. They are
> yours to do with as you wish. I know of no particular protocol for this,
> other than perhaps a mention of the site of original publication, if you wish.

Those very few "quotes" i have made from this group are simple at best: he said & then she said & etc.

& several of them i have quoted in my blog i have edited out even that.

> However, I would like to remind those of you who may have forgotten this
> that it is part of this group's hard and fast policy that Conjure posts may never be copied to another group, etc. without the express, written permission of every single author involved. This applies to everyone who may comment within a given thread, and every post in separate threads must also be so treated.
> I know this isn't your intent Joe! Your post just reminded me of this caveat to joining the group, and I want everyone to remember it.

Ok but even if its just a yes but? or some small introductory statement? and then i go on and on and on?

I have no real interest in archiving other peoples long, involved explanations, or pithy statements of esoteric formulas for that matter, only my own have a special place in my heart.

Which i then place in my blog:)

0 = 11 ~ (0+10=11) and/or 0 + 9.

But then .... T+A={R}=O+T.

So basically, if you look at my blog you might see an brief... acknowledgement of conjure@....rather than a wholesale quote of our other contributors here.

Does that make any sense?

It seems to, to me, but sometimes im not quite sure of my self:)

p.s. especially with this written word.