Saturday, February 13, 2010

Tarot:10 of Cups

On 2/13/10, Halima wrote:
> Hi Everyone,
> can we find something negative to say about the 10 of Cups ?
> Halima (Moderator)
> please visit our sister group

Thats all most too easy:)

In the system i have cobbled together for myself, over the years,
highly influenced by a personalized verison of Crowley's Thoth deck &
book, the 10's represent endings.

The nines represent fullfillment or "the fullest material
manifestation of the element involved"

In the Waite deck 10's are the type of 'fullfillment' that Crowely
makes his 9's with his 10's being a, technicaly, "reabsortption" or
apotheosis or epiphany of the element in such a way that it
truansumtes back into the Ace.

The 4th court card in their sequence is said to be symbolic of the
fullfillment of a similar function.

In the Thoth deck the 10 of cups is called "Satiety" and can mean the
end of a relationship, or in any way an emotional state or phenomina
that has ran its course, for what ever reason, is over.

This is 'negative' in the human context of the sorrows it often brings
in its wake. But the 10 of cups could represent a decision to end
somethnig one has had enough of and thus be a positive symbol.

Any sort of emotional investment, no mater how ephemeral, and the more
ephemeral any emotional involvment is the eaier it is to choose to end
it, this then is a positive aspect that the 10 of cups can have.

But in romance, love of any sort, or with deep emotional bonds to
anything, the 10 of cups can represent the ending of those bonds,
where one has all one is going to get and one has no choice but to
let go, that even if in denale about it the bond is, technicaly

Such passings when they are tragic and unexepcted can not be prepared
for and the inevitable reulst is 'negative" feelings of loss as
symbolized b y the 10 of cups. But sometimes the transiton is
expected, anticipated, prepred for and as symbolized by the 10 of
cups, the letting go, peacfully, can be a positive experiance.

And on a more simple level, it can be representative of a passing
emotion, where one is fed up with some one or something and considers
ending the situation. But a feeling that passes and is

The Aces are really symbolic of the peak experiance, everyting else is
adaptation and subtrfuge, at best an attempt to delay the inevitable:)
Mr. Joseph Littleshoes Esq.

Domine, dirige nos.
Let the games begin!

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